Wednesday 25 November 2015

'World War Z '-Feature Length film poster (Holly)

 'World War Z'

  The poster is minimalistic, the black and white colouring, makes the 'Z' stand out, drawing attention to the title.
The genre of the movie becomes apparent, looking at the image, the audience would assume it is a post-apocalyptic film, potentially a zombie film, given the wreckage shown and the mass of figures on the helicopter, the silhouette of the figures leaves them unidentifiable, creating intrigue within the audience. However limbs can be seen and the figures are clearly human, which assumes the genre more, along with the title, 'World War Z' which the Z, would usually refer to 'zombies', which shows the audience the genre as a zombie film.
The 'Brad Pitt' is placed high up on the poster, above the image, which draws attention to his name. As he is a high profile actor and has his own fan base, his fans create an audience for the film, as well as fans of the genre of the film. Other than the name, there is no other information around the film, other than the release date which is unlike other feature length films, as it usually features directors names or reviews.
I like the minimalist and the black and white causing the red to contrast and stand out, which draws the attention to the title, this is something I would like to use on our poster as it pulls focus to the audience, and creates enigma.

1 comment:

  1. Typography is centred in the main
    Heliicopter is an iconic image of war.
    What is the prop amongst the bodies - I cant make it out?
    Good holly - Low 4
