Monday 16 November 2015


We viewed various short films and analysed their titles to help us with our short film, as they are very different to the usual openings of feature length films. The titling also takes into consideration the genre of the film, and how it would be received by audiences. The titles have a direct correlation to the film through the narrative.

For example in the short film 'LoveField', the titling begins with the production company logo, then instantly opens into the title of the film, this could be because of the length of the film, things such as directors or actors names could not be as important, so to fit all the narrative in the allotted time slot.
Short films generally use the format of less titling to introduce whereas in feature length films, introductions are usually used (or openings) before titles. Most short films use minimalistic openings or titling's, which is something we will take note on in our film. 

1 comment:

  1. needs more detail - farr too short. Use screen grabs to illustrate the contrast in two columns perhaps.
