Wednesday 25 November 2015

Film Poster Research: 'Superhero' [Alex]


This short film poster is the most idealistic, and the poster that I will use as an inspiration for my own poster.
Unlike the feature-lengths, such as 'Shutter Island' that uses two images, this film only uses one. The total running time of the film is 6-minutes, so using anything more might suggest more of the narrative, thus, ruining the plot.

As this is only a short, no actor names are shown. In feature films, the stars usually sell the films, whereas this wouldn't be necessary for a film that can be viewed any time online. 

The font used is also unlike other posters as they use a simple font, and making the word 'hero' bold. A simple font can work nicely when the background is plain.

Personally, I'm a fan of these short films that feature a small logo. They feel like a small insight, or a hint towards the narrative and can be quite enigmatic depending on the genre. The slogan of this short; "You don't need superpowers to be a hero" is heartwarming, and having not seen the film, I could see that the target audience would be aimed at an older, mature audience.

The credit block uses a different font, which is not commonly used in film posters, but also gives this poster a unique twist. With posters, you don't want to use too many unconventional fonts, and the simplicity of this means that using a third font on the credit block could make the overall look quite overwhelming.

I like that this film advertises their website in a larger font than the creators names, as they really feel the film itself is more important. I liked this approach and feel I'm going to apply it to my own poster.

As for the colour scheme, the editor has kept to essentially 2 main colours - the blue tint of the ground the characters are walking on, and a splash of red in the older character's cape and in the title. Simplicity is really grabbing me in this poster, and it makes me want to watch the film simply because I have no idea about the narrative development (which I believe is ideal in a short film poster).

1 comment:

  1. MRANG? What clues are there in the poster about these?
    Address all 3 aspects - layout conv, content conv and then your MRANG
    High L2
