Monday 7 December 2015

Research on 'Little White Lies' (Magazine) - Alex

'Little White Lies' is an independently released magazine, based in London. The bi-monthly magazine specialises in the film industry and their most prominent feature would be their film review section. Each release features a cartoon-esque, art piece of the main character from a recent release film.

Released through 'The Church of London', this small company specialises in making a collectable item that most of their audience choose not to throw away. Each page is intricately designed and follows a specific layout/format, created by an ingenious group of young adults and students.

Due to it's release features and aesthetically pleasing layout, the magazine mainly targets those with a creative or visual artistic background. Generalised demographics show that mainly males aged between 25 and 35 make a large percentage of the audience. This 'slightly-older-than-students' group could be expected as each magazine sells for £6, and offers subscription package for a slightly discounted price.

Each magazine is printed on a thin card material, and uses bright colour-schemes to make the cover artwork visually appealing and noticeable from a distance. Artists use variations of cross-media in their magazines to give an 'edge' to each page. Font choices and sizes stay fairly consistent, but film choice and genre varies greatly to appeal to a mass audience. This balance of professionalism and variation in appeal makes the magazine popular across the nation, with copies selling in various book stores such as WHSmiths.

1 comment:

  1. Good Alex - don't forget they are reasonably well off men in the creative industries. The psychographics of this group suggest that they spend money on a lot of film related leisure products
