Monday 14 December 2015

Our Final Film Review Layout Conventions & What We Will Include [Meg]

The Generic layout of a review in Little White Lies

Learning about Little White Lies in class we learned the generic order of how a review in their magazine works

  • The opening paragraph usually comments on the contexts for the film, whether historical, literary or directors previous work. 
                     - For example, with the horns review, there were references about other films which have had an impact on or are similar to the film made (which are opinion based).
  • A summary information of the protagonist or other main focuses of the movie, potentially commenting on their traits, their representation, key aspects and evaluation of the actors performance.
Within the second paragraph, it almost reveals the entire opening sequence, in quite a bit of depth, but nothing else. This leads you to wanting to read on. You get an insight of the main character, which is interesting, the actor is known by their character rather than their real name (Ig (Daniel Radcliffe)). in our film we will be revealing the female antagonist, intead of being Kierah.
  • Key themes, issues and a basic narrative of the plot.
Themes in our film consist of:
- The loss of innocence 
- Good vs. Evil
- Youth/Vulnerability 
We will summarise our themes and issues, without revealing the ending.
  • Narrative devices used.
  • Use and adaptation of genre conventions (e.g. Steve Neale's theory of repetition and variation) 

  • Reviewers opinion on the film.
Positive/Negative points of the film. Being honest and descriptive, backing up why we are giving this opinion.
  • Summary sentence which overall comments on the whole film. 
A snappy sentence leaving the reader with the choice of seeing the film or not. This sentence will almost act as the decider for the audience.

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