Tuesday 8 December 2015

Little White Lies- Layout conventions and House style

Little White Lies uses characteristics throughout their magazine, to give consistency and a house style to their audience. Things such as a house font (Century Gothic) and different styles of fonts are used to give variety to the audience as the house style changes throughout the months of release but the same form of layout remains.

  • The size of the page will be: 196mm x 245mm
  • The picture advertising the film will be taking up around 40% of the image ratio, and will feature a screenshot of the film, which would feature a main character in the film.
  • The image will constantly remain the same size however it could move down the height of the page, varying to the amount of text the author writes, most reviews consist between 5-7 paragraphs and around the word limit of 550 words.
  • Each column of text of text is 52.4mm wide with 3 columns.
  • Only three fonts are used, being Century Gothic, Aparajita and Microsoft Yi Baiti
  •  A 3-digit page number is also shown at the bottom along with the minor design of 'REVIEWS' horizontal to one side of the review, halfway down the centre line of the page.
  • The authors name is embedded along the last line of the review
  • summaries are featured for 'Anticipation', 'Enjoyment' and 'Retrospect' of each film. Each summary is separated by lines, which are around 3px deep.

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