Wednesday 16 September 2015

Genre- This is Me

In the short film ‘This is Me’ conventions are used through the semantic and syntactic codes, as shown by Rick Altman, to portray the comedy genre. However the first shot we have is a hospital, this automatically creates an assumption we will be watching a sadder more realistic genre of film. Until the dialogue comes in the audience automatically assume they will be watching a sad film. This is because of the semantic codes the audience already assume to be within the environment, the visual conventions we see have come from our cultural knowledge and our film knowledge. Aural codes can also be used to relate a film to a genre, so the aural diegetic sounds of the hospital associate with the genre of realistic or real life films.  However when the dialogue comes in the audience realise the film is in fact a comedy. It uses many semantic codes to show the comedy aspect.  One semantic / visual code that relates to genre is when the male character is talking about the waste being released off the aeroplane. Often, in comedies, there is toilet humour used as it is viewed as a taboo subject in normal conversation. The use of animation is also commonly used to show or explain things, as it keeps with the light hearted nature of the humour.

Another semantic code is the wife. She is shown to be sarcastic and uncaring character, although this is narrated comically by the male character. This female character is seen putting on a timer, and reading "Sun Cruises", highlighting the comical sense of dramatic irony. She is a typical stereotype in the comedy genre, having an uncaring or materialistic wife, narrated from the males point of view.

The male character shown lounging in the garden is also a visual code that links to the comedy genre. We are shown a stereotyped character as he is shown in smaller sized swimming shorts, whilst his wife nags at him from indoors. This is common stereotype to be shown from a British character, tanning in the back garden. He is used for comical effect and larger men are more commonly used in the genre.

Syntactic codes in the short film "This is Me" uses typical themes with dramatic irony, contrasting characters, sarcasm and disruption (accident). The film also uses oppositions with the sick man, and the healthy wife (shown as materialistic but in a comical manner)and the narrative structure is circular, like with most comedies  

David Buckingham suggested the negotiation and change theory in media, which demonstrates that genres change over time, and can be moulded by society. In the short film "This is Me", it is apparent that society could have changed and moulded the meaning of the comedy genre – taboo subjects are commonly now being used in tv and films as the changing culture permits it, as newer audiences begin to watch the conventions change and genres need to shift to capture the new audiences.

1 comment:

  1. The cheap cocktail as well adding to the pretense of the high life.
    High 3 - good Holly
