Monday 14 September 2015

Audience- Mixtape

Audience- ‘Mix Tape’

Who is the target audience as defined by age, social class and gender, viewing platform/ place of exhibition as well as content of the film.

In the short film ‘Mix Tape’ it is categorised into the genres ‘Musical’ and ‘Romance’, which can be used to find the target audience for the specific film. In the film the characters are also used to appeal to the specific demographic. The target audience for the film are females aged 14-25, and short film enthusiasts.

The main character, Ben is used to appeal to audiences through his characterisation. He is a young boy maybe around the age of 11, shown to be ‘in love’ with the girl next door. This is a clichéd romantic storyline which usually gains audience’s attention for the simplicity. The style of housing and the use of tapes suggest a certain time period in the 90’s or early 2000’s which can appeal to certain audiences.

The demographic targets age and gender, this film targets females aged 14-25. This is through the clichéd romantic storyline which stereotypically attracts a female audience. Social class, which in this film would be unemployed or casual workers or students, as they have more free time, and as this film is only available through the internet as it is a low budget short film (£1,000) which would affect the target audience as it is only available through certain platforms for example YouTube and Vimeo, so the target audience would be affected as a large portion of YouTube’s audience are teenagers or young adults with more free time. Vimeo is a site primarily for media enthusiasts, so the film may have a wider audience from there. The film received many nominations for awards including :

WINNER - Grand Prize, Virgin Media Shorts 2009

NOMINATED - Best Short Film, BAFTA 2010

WINNER - Best Film, Landcrab FF 2010

WINNER - Best Film, Purbeck FF 2010

OFFICIAL SELECTIONS - Over 20 including Oberhausen IFF and The London Critic's Choice.

This shows the film has been exhibitioned though short film festivals gaining an audience there and since been on the internet, has gained a new audience through the content of the film.


1 comment:

  1. The fact that it is MIXTAPE, suggest a pre-digital time / setting.
