Tuesday 13 October 2015

To do list - what we need to experiement with:

When planning our short, we realised that there will be some minor set backs that we will need to prepare for prior to filming. Those highlighted in green will be easiest, amber being slightly harder, and red being challenging.

Underwater Camera
In one of the beginning scenes, we are hoping to use an underwater camera to show the woman washing her hands. We are also considering to use this set-up for our titles. As we have no experience in underwater filming, we will need to look into experimenting.

Pumpkins Prep
To give the impression that we are filming during Halloween, we need to have pumpkin props to show the conventions of the holiday. To give it a darker 'edge', we are aiming to carve pumpkins a few days prior to filming. The goal is to have them slightly rot. We have experience in pumpkin carving, but it is important to have our designs sorted.

Find offal, soup and alphabet spaghetti
Our film is based around food, so it is vital to make the various meat selections and soups to look like genuine, edible food. Part of this process will be to find a butcher's market that will be willing to sell us offal. Cooking soup and alphabet spaghetti will be easy, but we will need to create the word 'soup' using spaghetti.

Outside lighting
One thing we really didn't like about our foundation portfolio film opening was our usage of outside lighting. We went in with no knowledge on it, and wished for the best. We have already began this experiment and created  a blog post on how lighting can affect mood. Our next step would be to look at repeating this experiment outside and how we would light a dark street on Halloween night.

In order to make our short as realistic as possible, we want to create thrilling foleys that intensifies what is being shown on screen. This includes: high speed blender noises, meat tenderizer noises, squelching offal movement and making the most out of silence. We would be able to create these foleys on the day of filming, and if anything goes wrong, we would be able to correct them in post-production.

Make-up (blood)
We aim to create a blooding setting while the woman is prepping the food, so fake blood will be necessary. However, as we are aiming to film in an unfamiliar setting, we must ensure we don't make a mess. Our greatest fear is staining - obviously we will avoid getting fake blood on the walls and floor. We will have to look at creating a solution that is water-soluble and easy to clean up.

Eyeball in soup
The eyeball in the soup is the big reveal at the end of the film, so we have to make sure it looks believable and realistic. We are aiming to buy a fake eyeball, OR, see if there are any animal remains that look human. This is our biggest challenge, as we really want to have the eyeball turn around in the liquid/soup for the final scene.

Individual blog posts to all of these will follow over the next month - we will aim to hyperlink each of them in this particular post!

1 comment:

  1. Good, embellish the post with plenty of imagery. Each of these could be a post in its own right. What, how to source, visual, and so on. permission to.

    You also need to get the halloween props and costumes for outdoor scenes, Where will you do the trick or treating? Get co operation of some neighbours perhaps, You need to get sweets and treats (they can be recycled), bowls etc,

    The kitchen - do they have all the equipment you need, Interview the owner and discuss the issue of the blood staining. Do they have knives. meat tenderisers?

    Do risk assessments of both - video these.

    Who is providing / making the soup and the main meal. That is a couple of hours work for someone. Trsearch as to what meal will be best to convince an audience that it could be human remains. If you did a pie (with pastry top), that might be even more sinister because the audience are wondering what is inside. I could go on, but you get the idea of the level of planning required,
    Research into how to make blood and how not to syain.
