Tuesday 13 October 2015


The plot of our story will switch between two sides using cross cutting editing between a Father and Son/Daughter trick or treating, and an anonymous person preparing food, however all the conventions will lead the audience to believe that anonymous person is preparing a human body. The person, which will later be revealed to be the mother will be preparing the ‘food’ which we will show through restricted narration using closed camera shots, using close ups, and angling the camera in order to maintain the anonymity of the character preparing the food.  


We will open with a CU shot of the child’s shoes, panning up to show them in a Halloween costume,  They will be  accompanied by their parent and we will use close up shots of hands ringing doorbells and treats being poured into trick or treat baskets. We will use a repeated shot of doors opening onto the two characters and/or, ringing door bells, to show their movement throughout the night. Transitions between the rapid successions of repeated shots will be either straight cuts or possibly FADE to black, dissolves.


This will then be contrasted with a dark setting of a kitchen, using low key lighting.  Using restricted narration we will show a character preparing a meal with what the audience will be led to believe, are human bodily remains. This will be done with a lot of close up camera work and angling of the camera, and action and enigma codes, such as CU’s of knives cutting on a chopping board, offal lying around the setting surfaces, use of a meat tenderizer and intense BCU Facial expressions, copious amounts of blood, washing hands to clean off the blood and possibly use of a blender, with red liquid (blood?) We will focus primarily on camera work and sound to set the scene. The setting itself will be dark and looking macabre, dark lighting and sinister props, such as jars filled with dark coloured liquid and carved pumpkins. We will use low key lighting, which will be used to highlight the side of the face, showing gory shots of the meat.


The gory scene will be contrasted in comparison to the trick or treaters, through the dialogue, such as “You’ll have to eat dinner before any of those sweets!”

Gradually the audience will start making a link between the two settings and the relationship between the characters, as the film would build into a climax as the three characters would cross over. We would audibly hear voices and the door opening in the kitchen setting, the dialogue of the two trick or treaters crossing over into the kitchen setting such as “Oh I thought fruit was only given in the movies!” the use of the innocent conversation into the kitchen setting with leave the audience asking questions as to why the pair are now in this setting.


We will then use a reveal of the character from the kitchen, as the mother of the child, who will then be shown holding the ‘dinner’ she has prepared. The audience will now see the woman has prepared a dinner for the three, shown as a completely normal dinner, with the husband remarking “Oh this kitchen is a mess in here!”


Image result for real eyeballWe will then show the three sat round the dinner table eating a starter of soup with the main also sat on the table, leaving a sense of normality in the family. We will use a final shock reveal as the audience assume all is normal, a CU of a soup bowl will be shown, with an eyeball floating up will be used to impact the audience and leave it as an enigma and the audience asking questions, is it real?

1 comment:

  1. This is good. You can make a real success of this. It is really ambitious but doable.

    Make sure you take lots and lots of footage as you don't want to be left having to recycle like last year. It does not matter if footage is wasted, Maybe have several versions of the end - you may need more or less of an ending depending on how your timing goes.
