Sunday 10 January 2016

Planning the Evaluation [Alex]

1) In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms of real media products? [Long text post]
Narrative Conventions: Parallel editing, chronological DONE
Characterisation: No names used, broad relationship between characters, distinctive personality traits. Good/Evil, Innocence/Corruption DONE

Use of genre conventions: Low lighting, music choices, themes, enigma DONE
Editing/Post production: Editing process - straight cuts and dissolves DONE
Camerawork: Various angles, canted shots, various heights
Underwater testing: - Needs work.
Sound: Limited dialogue, silence
Resources: *Need the names of sound files + review*
Mise-en-scéne: Bowl of soup, offal, doorbell, halloween costume, low lighting DONE
Making the eyeball:
Eyeball testing:
Costume design:
Costume continuity:
Lighting Tests:

Themes & Issues: Murder, mutilation, mistrust, innocence of children, childhood nostalgia DONE

Ancillary Task 
Titling: Alphabet spaghetti, centred, main subject matter ( DONE
Name of actors: 3 'main characters', centred DONE
Fumer Tue:
Shutter Island:
Black Swan:
Protagonists/Main features & reasoning: Isobel - child, female. Fighting for her innocence DONE
Tagline: "Dinner's ready" - chose not to use it DONE
Billing Block: Shorter than majority
Reviews and Rating: Chose not to use them - why? What could we have used? Festivals DONE

Ancillary Task 2
LWL demographics: Males (25-35, creative/visual arts background) DONE
Page dimensions: Page: 196mm x 245mm DONE
Columns: 52.4mm width
3px for line graphology
Picture: Varied height, 168mm width, 40% of page, features 'star/main character' DONE
Writing: 550 words, 5-7 paragraphs, in depth understanding of film ( DONE
Language Conventions: Historical/Social/Literary, Why, What, Backstory, Context. DONE
Characterisation, plot line, introduction to something (back story/positioning?)
Plot development
Author favouring

Our short film: FILM REVIEW DONE

LWL Info:

2) How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? [Video/Vlog]
Importance of branding/marketing: Consistency is title use
Film festivals
Importance of social media
Digital age
Film and Poster are directly linked: Advertisement - where would it be seen? Where would it be published? Is it appropriate for mass consumption? Use of alternative posters
Review is an outsider perspective - good/bad publicity: External publicity. Why is this helpful? Why would we contact LWL? Would our film be used in LWL?

3) What have you learnt from your audience feedback? [Text Post]

Plot decisions: 
Original plot line/plan:
Changing the plot line:
Plot vote:
Film edits:
Poster alterations:  Second draft poster:

We should consider:
Did we react to the comments made by the audience?
How was information collected?
Who collected information?
How did we document our feedback?
Why was it documented?
Who did we approach for feedback?

4) How did you use media technologies in the construction, research & planning/evaluation stages? [Prezi - need to restart this]
Digital Cameras
Voice Recorder
Final Cut Pro
Social Media (Twitter/Facebook)
Survey Monkey
- Strengths, Weaknesses & Links to Blog Posts

Missed deadline!
Very sorry about this delayed blog post - managed to get myself in an awkward situation and didn't have any internet access until the weekend. Currently in the process of drafting my answers and will be prepared for the deadline this Friday for the finished evaluation; not long to go!

How will I achieve this deadline? [MY SCHEDULE]
Monday: Free periods: 9:55 - 12:25, Media Lesson 14:05-16:15, Free evening
Tuesday: Media lesson 8:50-9:55, Free periods: 9:55-14:05
Wednesday: Free periods: 9:55-12:25, Media lesson 12:25-13:30, Free evening
Thursday: Free evening
Friday:Free periods: 12:25-14:05, Free evening

11hrs 40 mins worth of free periods
4hrs of Media Lessons

1 comment:

  1. looks like you are planning it al out.
    If you post before Friday i might be able to make some comments
